Carbon Literacy

At HOME we lead the way in Carbon Literacy training, implementing carbon reduction actions to minimise the environmental impact of our working practices, operations, programming and activities. We empower our team by providing the skills and knowledge to communicate climate awareness and drive change and we can help you to do the same.

We are proud to be the first arts and cultural venue in the world to have 100% of staff trained in Carbon Literacy as certified by the Carbon Literacy Project. Our staff trainers deliver in-house workshops, ensuring that all new starters are trained within six months of joining the HOME team. Training is proven to have a positive impact, with increased staff confidence in communicating with peers, family, friends and visitors on environmental and sustainability issues and actions generated feeding directly into organisational policy and performance indicators. Each member of the HOME team is actively engaged with and responsible for delivering HOME’s sustainability ambitions. Through our Carbon Literacy training we are fostering, connecting and amplifying HOME’s mission with our cultural, local and global community, sharing knowledge, influencing others, and inspiring action in our commitment to collective responsibility, accountability and action.

HOME are one of the first three organisations worldwide to be recognised with Platinum Carbon Literate Organisation status. This top accreditation is our visible ‘badge’ that showcases HOME’s commitment to Carbon Literacy in the number of staff trained and our sustained support of maintaining a low carbon culture that we can share with others, acting as ambassadors for change. Our certified trainers can help you and your organisations on your sustainability journey by delivering training to you and your colleagues and collaborators.

Do you want to take positive action to tackle climate crisis?

Visit the Carbon Literacy Project website to find out your options for Carbon Literacy training.

image credit: BFI Film Hub North